

Please call me Sama (sa-Ma), I’m so grateful we found each other. Here is a little about me,

I am an intuitive healer, daughter, sister, aunt, pur-baby-mama to my cat Mr. Snoozy, driftwood artist, song writer, adventure seeker, free spirit, warrior goddess and I strongly believe you are exactly where you need to be. Everything is unfolding for your highest Self. That’s why you’re reading this right now. I’m here to tell you YES!

YES There is more to life than what you’re currently settling for. I can help you find your unique path to self actualization and reach your highest potential.

YES — You are the creator of your universe. Using the mantra “It’s not my fault but it’s my choice” will bring you clarity and strength during the cycles of life when you feel powerless and caught in a negative spiral.

Are you ready?

You must be willing to Honestly Connect to the deepest parts of your Self (the Good, the Bad, the Ugly, the Old and the Forgotten). It requires self inquiry, discipline, leaving your comfort zone, playing, resting, creating boundaries, moving your body, deep breathing, daily rituals, expanding your awareness, reprograming your mind, taking off your shoes to walk on the earth.

It’s time to Awaken! Reconnect! and Rejuvenate!

Let’s get started.

“I am constantly in awe of all the beauty that surrounds me. It’s a practice to slow down and be present, to connect without the suspended, anticipatory, anxiety type energy that lingers in the past and future. In the HERE and NOW I can find my anchor.”

— Samashakti


Hudson Valley, New York