Movement & Meditation

10:15am Mondays

You can think of this as a "Challenge" to show up for yourself. Imagine how you will feel at the end of February if you constantly show up for yourself for 15-20 mins a week!

UPCOMING Dates for the 13 Week Challenge:

2022 December 5, 12, 19, 26

2023 January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

2023 February 6, 13, 20, 27

Use the zoom link if you would like to join LIVE 10:15am EST

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Week 1:

In this 20 min video you will be guided into a pranayama practice that will bring energy into the roots, you will find gentle pelvic tilts, then you will make space in the groin area, followed by waking up the arms and legs. We finish with a short alternate nostril pranayama practice.

Week 2:

In this 25 min practice I will talk about setting up a sacred space and then we will slowly and gently wake up the face and body. First you will become aware of your posture and how it affects breathing quality. You will wake up the legs and hips, then we will move into twists (seated and quadruped positions).

We will dive deeper into the alternate nostril breathing technique by adding the Ida and Pingala Nadi visualization.

In this 15 min seated practice we will arrive in the body with a few deep breaths and then I will guide you into three rounds of seated kundalini twist. I will then guide you through 4 different EFT tapping points to release fear, anxiety, nervousness, worry, guilt, hopelessness and insecurity. We will then move into the Eden Energy Cross Over pull that reharmonizes the left and right side body. Finishing up with a few rounds of a counted breath (inhale for 4 and exhale for 8).

In this 18 min practice we will begin by gently warming up the total body with a few standing movements and breath work. We spend 10 mins of the practice in a seated meditation to feel the stillness of the body and to allow the awareness of the mind chatter (Chitta Vritti) to come forward only to notice it and then to come back to the breath. The breath in the anchor into the present moment. This practice will give you the space to just Be with yourself.

In this 20 min practice we will center and connect to our breath. We will slowly wake up the neck, toe touches are next to get the blood flowing and energy moving, and we finish the movement practice with bridge lifts joined with our breath. For our seated meditation we focus on the vibrations of AUM. Sitting with the lingering effects after chanting 3 times and then finding stillness.

In this 23 min practice we will begin with breath work to ground and center. Next we will move into side body stretches, followed by forward folds to wake up back body and legs. We will counter pose with a reverse tabletop and lions breath. Next we will focus on deep belly breathing in tabletop and then we will wake up total body with a few transitions from down dog to plank. Finding a virasana seat we will open up the side of the neck and shoulder using the weight of the head. Finishing with a dusting off the body and a seated silent meditation.

In this 24 min practice we will start with pranayama to center and cleanse. Sama shares 3 MLK quotes to offer reflective pause. What does love feel like for you?

Sama will guide a standing movement practice starting with a bounce and thump, mountain pose is next to ground and move energy up the body. Pausing with energy focused in the pelvis creating figure 8 movement. Continuing to draw the energy up the central channel into the third eye center. Welcoming in fluidity with a sway in hips, arms and legs starting to find the energy ball in the hand that you will absorb into the body.

Sama teaches the wisdom mudra and box breath (count of 4)

In this 27 min practice Sama will open with Ujjayi pranayama. She will leave you through 3 different vibrations for self regulate nervous system (Ahh, Hmm and Shhh)

We will find movement and energy through bridge pose to supine twist, next we will find space to release the inner groin. Next we will settle into a child's pose shape to settle and use imagination to sense movement before sitting up and finishing with a few breaths in a silent mediation.

In this 23 min long video Sama will teach you the meaning and movements of the kirtan kriya. The practice itself is a 12 min meditation of chanting the mantra SA TA NA MA first out loud, then whisper then silent, back to whisper and back to out loud, while doing simple mudras (hand gestures)

In this 29 min long practice Sama with start off with breath work to arrive and center, then move into seated spinal undulations. After that we will forward fold and then shift into a reverse table top with lions breath. Cat/cow is next with specific awareness in the pelvis. Slowly we make our way to standing and find more undulations in high lunge pose with specific awareness on the heart space. Shaking with heel thumps is the final standing movement. As we find our way back to our seat we review mudras from last week and have a 3 min silent meditation.

In this 18min long video Sama leads you through a few different EFT tapping points with mantras to help ease anxiety. This practice is seated the entire time so make sure you are comfortable on the ground or in a chair. We repeat the phrase " I have the power to self regulate my emotions, soothe projections of fear, and feel myself grounded and safe in the present moment." We finish the practice with a 5 min silent meditation.

Sama guides you through a 23 min long practice incorporating eye yoga as well as total body movements. We start in a seated position to arrive and center with a third eye gaze and breath work. Next we move into a cat/cow undulation incorporating eye movements. Thread the needle is the next pose followed by banana pose. We finish with a third eye mediation.